就这样,第二年过去了。很感谢这些日子来一直与我并肩作战的同伴们, 真的很感激大家一直以来的支持和鼓励。很难想象在印度的日子只剩下半年了。。。像是雨过天晴了,但又像是暴风雨来临的前夕。。不能管太多了。。这些日子经历的一切,我学会的是活在当下,珍惜眼前。。。
我想我已慢慢重拾信心与那份魄力,继续奋斗。。未来的路,还很远,但我知道我并不是一个人的。。I am the only one, but NOT alone..
Here it ends.. 2nd year of medical school. Thanks to all of my beloved friends that always help and give me support no matter what happen.. Really , i feel grateful to have all of you by my side all this while. Now v hv only half a year in Manipal, can u believe it?? i hv kind of weird feeling, was it really over?? or its just the calm b4 the storm?? After all this while, all the tears and sweat...one thing i hv learned for sure--Not to care too much, appreciate what i hv now and enjoy to the fullest!!

Can't believe what hd happened to me these 2 years, i feel like having a long long dream... come to think of it.. all the peak and trough.. i know i hv to gone through all this, and i believe that's reasons why GOD make it this way.. I am sure it haven end and never end.. but i know with all the love and courage, from my family and all my friends, i can make it through, there are VICTORY awaiting behind all these obstacles.
I feel really grateful.. to my family-- mummy, daddy, sister,and brothers.. to my friends--Wei Siong, Kai Sin, Boh, Yung Ban, Yie Ning, Jolynn, Derick, Keen Wah, Ken, Yan Shao, Han Loon, Wei Kai, Yoke Fun, Josephine, Sharolyn, Qin Jia, Jasmine, Elisha, Elizabeth, Hillary, Wei Sern, Wei Lun, Woo, Tc, Jordan, Pang Han, Nadesh and others...Congrats everyone and TQ so much.
For now, i just wish for a simple life. I wish for the best of health and luck to all my friends and to my family ..hope that i can graduate and b a good doctor in the future, so that i wont disappoint my parents and country.. and most importantly, i wont let my self down after all the hard work...this will be a tough and long journey but no matter what comes in the future i know -- I am the only one, but NOT alone..