I admit that it is a very good start for year 2009 for having two new friends from Korea..my favourite country other than Malaysia....They are kind...cute..alive...and sometimes they melts my heart...I feel happy..haengbokke....I knew that one day I will have chance to practise my very very basic Korean Language...just that I never thought that this is so soon...Friendly speaking, I just started to learn the language for approximately 3months..minus the day I was busy about other things...studying....bleaching..(Bleach Anime)...exam...dancing, etc.

This is Neo..full name ...Hong Seok Jin...Seok Jin oppa is a very tall guy...184cm ...wow...(mianne...oppa...for promoting your height..)...Although he feels a bit sad these few days..i think i manage to make him laugh...be strong ..oppa..hwaiting...hope you solve ur problem soon..and be a happy person again...

He is Andy...Kim Yong Kyu...I like his name..Kyu....and he is super extra cute....besides, he is a very talented person...he loves music..same with me..;)..he is also good at sports...we have a good time playing bowling together..although I got very few points...=.=. Nevermind...kwaenchanna...I will learn and compete with Yong Kyu oppa one day...hwaiting again...

This is a photo that I take when Yong Kyu oppa is playing the guitar....is cool man...What is Seok Jin oppa doing?..Of course he is enjoying his hyung's fantastic and awesome guitar playing..,and both of them sing along too...Its such a great evening...although its rainig dogs and cats outside...for me..it is quite romantic...I will remember it forever and ever....see Sze Min is excited in recording the whole scene...meokji Yong Kyu oppa and of course Seok Jin oppa..

Kuepta...oppa...The propose song...really melts my heart...although it is not a real propose...we all enjoy it..I am sure your yeojachingu will accept it if you propose...
That's all for now...jalga...