He has the middle-high vocal part in the group. The group

One of his motivations in his singing career is the unachieved

Jun Su was known in his junior high years to be a good singer. In the morning gatherings, when he sang the school song, it went through the speakers and was heard by the whole school., but he

His journey on stage started after he saw H.O.T on TV, he finally heard the desire deep in his soul, it spoke “sing on stage”and he started to learn how to sing from his mum.....He went for "The 6th Starlight Academy Casting System" audition and his beutiful voice won the judges heart...then he went for training under SM Entertainment...

01) Name: Kim Junsu a.k.a Xiah
*xiah in korean means not good enough, he purposely use this name to elert himself that there are always room of improvement...
*xiah in korean means not good enough, he purposely use this name to elert himself that there are always room of improvement...

03) Nicknames: Borisu.....
*prawn??? sounds like in chinese...Sing Ping tell me one..:)
04) Bad habits: I clench may jaw a lot...
05) Religion: Christian
06) Fav. Quote: Give my all to things I'm working on.
07) Bloodtype: B

08) Height/Weight/Shoe Size: 181 cm, 63 kg, 265 mm.
*although he is not as tall as my daddy...but Xiah Oppa, you are very tall already...don't always compare will your hyung
09) Family: Dad, Mom, Hyung, and Me
*Hyung: korean word that use by a guy to call his older brother
10) School: Neung Gok MS.
11) Hobbies: Piano, singing, dancing...etc...
*I love music and dance also...:}

*in case you dont know who is Hyukjae...look for Suju information.
13) Sleeping Habits: Using my arm as a pillow.
14) Something good about myself: Everything, I'm too perfect.
*fine... my Xiah has wangjjapyeon oso...;%
15) What I think of myself: Perfection.
16) Fav. number: 2
17) Fav. Season: Autumn
*the most beautiful season....

19) Least Fav. Food: Most of the things Hyukjae likes to eat.
*haha..poor Hyukjae
20) Fav. Singers/Celebs: Kangta, N'SYNC
*Kangta is from H.O.T which give him motivation to be a singer.
21) Fav. Sport: Everything, especially soccer. (But the kids don't let me play with them)
*why? are you gonna play dirty??

*nice choice...*
23) Fav. Colors: Blue, Purple.
*My favourite colour is purple also....:}
24) Thing I do to pass time: Play computer games.
*why almost every guy like this???
*why almost every guy like this???
25) Places I go most often (excluding home): SM, School. library, book stores...
*I thought it would be football field?
26) Most confident thing I can cook: Ramen
*I wanna try....why not pizza?...Junsu's appa(father) operate a pizza store...
27) Songs I like these days: Polaris- Kangta.
28) What do you prefer: coffee, milk, soda: I don't like them all, but from that list: soda.
29) Most important being in my life: Myself...
*okie...because you're perfect...i understand...
30) Person I like least: Hyukjae
*Its a joke..
31) Kinds of people I detest: In one word: LEE. HYUK. JAE!!!
*Hyukjae is happy about this...
32) Something I'm worried about: Hyukjae keeps talking back to me.
33) What I think I was in my past life: a prince!
*no wonder you have wangjjapyeon(Prince syndrome)
34) If I could be reborn: a woman.
*to be more exact...a princess
35) When I want to get married: when I'm ready and my life is all in order.
36) What I do when I'm mad: Go and beat Hyukjae.
37) Places I want to fix on my face: I'm too perfect, there's nothing to fix.
38) My dream/goal: Singer, song writer, owner of a managing company
39) Dream Salary: 100000000000000000000000000000000000 won.
*count the zeros if you have time and let me know...
40) My least liked feature: I like everything. ^0^
41) Something that happens everyday: Hyukjae steals my clothes!
*this happen when he lived with Hyukjae....during training...
42) I like/love someone right now: Nope!!!
43) Jinxes: None.
44) Something I could go back and do: Go on the stage while singing and dancing.
45) What I most regret in my life: Not hitting Hyukjae when I had the chance.

46) If I left a will before I die: hi!! Hyukjae!! ^0^
* I have no clue what that is
47) Prized Posesstion: My cell phone
48) What I want to say to people full of themselves with Prince/Princess Syndrome: Keep going on like that and you'll die!!!
49) My ideal mate: Someone that gives me a strong feeling.
50) -51) What do you think of ladies who try and find seats when there are none in Subways or Buses: .....
*probably thinking about how you can use public transport...
52) Do you ever want to beat a small kid: Only if they're like Hyukjae.
*that's bad...you can't beat kids...
53) What kind of kids scare you: bad kids
*isn't it obvious
54) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you die it: Black.
*but you always die it red...
55) Most memorable Movie: titanic, armagedon
56) Most memorable day during MS: First day of school
57) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you want to play: Hyukjae's older brother.

58) When do you most not like your friend: When he talks back (ahem, Hyukjae, ahem)
59) What do you think of guys who wear makeup: it's okay as long as they don't wear a lot.
60) Makeup vs. No makeup on women: no makeup.
61) favorite book (comics can be included): Slam Dunk, I read it with Hyukjae...
*Slam dunk ...Hwaiting...
62) What can you make with green onions and eggs: ramen
63) Country I want to visit most: France, the city of love and
64) If I could get any domestic animal: Dog (I want to name him Hyukgoo)
*nice name...^^is it the name of ur doggy now?
65) Favorite song to sing at karaoke: I hate singing karaoke.
*why? your score is slower than the others? Can't b..
66) Things I stress over most: my voice.
67) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: Korea's first king.
68) What would you do if you found 1000 dollars in the street: I'd give it to Hyukjae, am I sweet? ^0^
*be honest...
69) Something different about it being 2001: One more year and it's world cup time baby!
*this Q&A was done when they first debut...
70) Do you believe in ghosts: Yeah, no wait, no I don't
71) -72) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy anywhere and anytime: YES!
73) Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: Not really.
74-75) Something I need right now: Synthesizer, things I can compose music with.
76) What game am I best at: Anything, Hyukjae always loses to me.
77) What would you say to someone who's about to die: BYE!!
78) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself?: When I lost an arguement to Hyukjae.
*argue with me then...
79) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: I just stay awake, what else can I do.
*yes...you can listen to Yoochun's playing piano...
80-81) What would you do if you were walking and you farted when it was a quiet: God, Hyukjae that's nasty!
*bad boy...
82) Good/bad thing about our country(Korea): Hyukjae.
83) Foreign language I want to learn: Japenese.
84) My complex: My voice sounds like Park Kyunglim's.
*who is this??
85) What is there you want to do: I've done everything I want, so nothing!
86) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personailty: Nope!
87) What I do when I'm stressed: Beat Hyukjae
88) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: Nope, that's bad.
89) What kind of teacher do you hate: Any teacher that's like Hyukjae.
90) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: Duhkhyun hyung. I miss you
*no idea who is that?
91) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started running: I'd made Hyukjae run after it for me.
92) What would you do if you saw a pervert on the street: I'm used to perverts cause my bestfriend is one.
*refers to Hyukjae???
93) What I think of losers/outcasts: I hate the word.
*so do I
94) -95) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: YES SIR!!!
96) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer:
*me too..*me 3
97) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to online: No
98) What you want to say to your friends: I'm finally done answering 100 Q's!!
* Nope....2 more
99) Future plans: Living life to the fullest.
100) You've finished! How do you feel: GOOD!!
*I thought it would be football field?
26) Most confident thing I can cook: Ramen
*I wanna try....why not pizza?...Junsu's appa(father) operate a pizza store...
27) Songs I like these days: Polaris- Kangta.

29) Most important being in my life: Myself...
*okie...because you're perfect...i understand...
30) Person I like least: Hyukjae
*Its a joke..
31) Kinds of people I detest: In one word: LEE. HYUK. JAE!!!
*Hyukjae is happy about this...
32) Something I'm worried about: Hyukjae keeps talking back to me.

*no wonder you have wangjjapyeon(Prince syndrome)
34) If I could be reborn: a woman.
*to be more exact...a princess
35) When I want to get married: when I'm ready and my life is all in order.
36) What I do when I'm mad: Go and beat Hyukjae.
37) Places I want to fix on my face: I'm too perfect, there's nothing to fix.
38) My dream/goal: Singer, song writer, owner of a managing company

*count the zeros if you have time and let me know...
40) My least liked feature: I like everything. ^0^
41) Something that happens everyday: Hyukjae steals my clothes!
*this happen when he lived with Hyukjae....during training...
42) I like/love someone right now: Nope!!!
43) Jinxes: None.
44) Something I could go back and do: Go on the stage while singing and dancing.
45) What I most regret in my life: Not hitting Hyukjae when I had the chance.

46) If I left a will before I die: hi!! Hyukjae!! ^0^
* I have no clue what that is
47) Prized Posesstion: My cell phone
48) What I want to say to people full of themselves with Prince/Princess Syndrome: Keep going on like that and you'll die!!!
49) My ideal mate: Someone that gives me a strong feeling.
50) -51) What do you think of ladies who try and find seats when there are none in Subways or Buses: .....
*probably thinking about how you can use public transport...

*that's bad...you can't beat kids...
53) What kind of kids scare you: bad kids
*isn't it obvious
54) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you die it: Black.
*but you always die it red...
55) Most memorable Movie: titanic, armagedon
56) Most memorable day during MS: First day of school
57) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you want to play: Hyukjae's older brother.

58) When do you most not like your friend: When he talks back (ahem, Hyukjae, ahem)
59) What do you think of guys who wear makeup: it's okay as long as they don't wear a lot.
60) Makeup vs. No makeup on women: no makeup.
61) favorite book (comics can be included): Slam Dunk, I read it with Hyukjae...
*Slam dunk ...Hwaiting...
62) What can you make with green onions and eggs: ramen
63) Country I want to visit most: France, the city of love and

64) If I could get any domestic animal: Dog (I want to name him Hyukgoo)
*nice name...^^is it the name of ur doggy now?
65) Favorite song to sing at karaoke: I hate singing karaoke.
*why? your score is slower than the others? Can't b..
66) Things I stress over most: my voice.
67) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: Korea's first king.
68) What would you do if you found 1000 dollars in the street: I'd give it to Hyukjae, am I sweet? ^0^

69) Something different about it being 2001: One more year and it's world cup time baby!
*this Q&A was done when they first debut...
70) Do you believe in ghosts: Yeah, no wait, no I don't
71) -72) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy anywhere and anytime: YES!
73) Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: Not really.
74-75) Something I need right now: Synthesizer, things I can compose music with.
76) What game am I best at: Anything, Hyukjae always loses to me.

78) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself?: When I lost an arguement to Hyukjae.
*argue with me then...
79) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: I just stay awake, what else can I do.
*yes...you can listen to Yoochun's playing piano...
80-81) What would you do if you were walking and you farted when it was a quiet: God, Hyukjae that's nasty!
*bad boy...
82) Good/bad thing about our country(Korea): Hyukjae.
84) My complex: My voice sounds like Park Kyunglim's.
*who is this??
85) What is there you want to do: I've done everything I want, so nothing!
86) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personailty: Nope!
87) What I do when I'm stressed: Beat Hyukjae
88) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: Nope, that's bad.
89) What kind of teacher do you hate: Any teacher that's like Hyukjae.
90) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: Duhkhyun hyung. I miss you
*no idea who is that?
91) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started running: I'd made Hyukjae run after it for me.
92) What would you do if you saw a pervert on the street: I'm used to perverts cause my bestfriend is one.
*refers to Hyukjae???
93) What I think of losers/outcasts: I hate the word.
*so do I
94) -95) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: YES SIR!!!
96) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer:

*me too..*me 3
97) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to online: No
98) What you want to say to your friends: I'm finally done answering 100 Q's!!
* Nope....2 more
99) Future plans: Living life to the fullest.
100) You've finished! How do you feel: GOOD!!
