no doubt, all the storm hd past........
what will u feel , hearing the same song at same time at the same day but a year later in a different country?
things hd changed , luckily changed to better
the kind of feeling is truely amazing and slightly complicated
a year before
i feel the touch
i feel the warm
but i m full of doubts
a year later
double the touch
but the warm hv gone
replace by cold thin air at the middle of night
v r just too far a distance
doubt, i dont need it anymore
cause all hd past
with colourful memories
sweet, bitter, spicy and sour
smile, tears, angry and confuse
but its worth it
as a return
a peaceful and clear mind
those days i cant see the future coz its full od doubt
but noW
i wont want to forecast it as it never exists.....