After posting at Medicine department for 3 weeks, i feel exhausted, but i know the journeys are just starting. However i feel satisfied, i am overwhelmed by the diagnostic skills and incorporation of all the knowledge i have learned so far in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and also forensic medicine-- subjects that i had for the past 2 years of study in MBBS. Through this posting i learned a lot, i recalled things that i had learned and tried to use them simultaneously, though it’s quiet hectic for me, but I enjoyed the process of learning.. thanks to all the doctors that help me throughout my first clinical posting..^^ I also managed to establish good rapport with some of the patients.. felt so grateful that they gave us chance to examine them to gain experience even though they were badly sick and they knew that we are not capable to treat their diseases.. one great things is most of them spoke with their mother tongue.. so i got to learn a bit of their language .. Kannada and Hindi..
The next posting is Psychiatry, my favorite subject ever… unfortunately, I didn’t enjoyed much as in medicine department.. It’s nothing to do with the workload, or doctors there, they are all very nice people, and I love them a lot too.. Problem is I just can’t put myself at ease when facing the patients, even when sitting in a lecture room.. I tell myself ..hey, its your dream… and you just reach where u suppose to be..remember such a long and hard journey u had gone through to reach here? Quick.. back to sense!!! But still I can’t , I just… stuck …
Why? What is that? What’s stopping me??? I really can’t figure out… I know its my own problem… I know it deep inside… I know it can or cannot be a problem.. but I choose to percept it as a problem. what the hell.. this is so not like me.. I hate myself like this..I try to escape and pretend, as if never happen…
I decided to go on trips… having fun with my fellow batchmates… its was marvelous, fabulous, exciting and wonderful… We went to St. Mary island, an island near Malpe beach , nearest beach from Manipal… We had fun at the island as well as near the beach.. by the end of the day we saw double rainbow.. it was just breathtaking…
