The question sounds: Why people exists? Why God eXistS? How do they exists? Do they really exists?
Throughout the year, I have been searching for the answer also....But still..i can't find it...
I start to wonder, do people actually live to find out the answer...Do we really able to figure it out? With our tiny brain? with our limited knowledge?

Am I exists?
Yes, you are..
Why am I exists?
Because you want to...
Am I really exists?
No. you don't
Why not?
You exists, but you do not
You loVe but you aren't in love
You have it, but you don't
Empty is not anything
It is false when you refer it to something
People strike hard to prove their existence
If existence exists, you do not need to prove it
If it doesn't exist ,what for you want to prove it?
Everyone exists to fulfill God's needs
That's what Hilary tell me
We all exists, because of different Will
That's what Bc says
I choose to live to the fullest
whether it's for God's purpose
Or for my personal Will
that is ...to be successful
Wish everyone I know
I don't know
I might know
I will know
GOOD LUck and be happy on the road towards SUCCESS